Real Estate

Our unwavering dedication lies in fostering sustainable growth, celebrating diversity, and delivering exceptional value. We are steadfast in our commitment to these core principles, driving our actions and decisions to ensure a prosperous and inclusive future.

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Our Engagement

Our engagement in real estate is far more than just a sideline; it's a calculated, strategic move aimed at enriching our overall investment portfolio. Real estate investment offers the dual advantage of not only being traditionally secure but also highly predictable, qualities that act as a bedrock, bringing stability to our diverse investment fund.
We aren't merely passive investors in this sector.

Our Approach

Our approach is hands-on and global, with a focus on both international markets and premium central London locations, where property values tend to appreciate significantly. Our team carries out rigorous due diligence before any acquisition, ensuring that each property meets our stringent criteria for growth and ROI potential.

Chelsea Property

This Chelsea property serves as a prime example of our capability to maximize value through intelligent acquisition, swift planning, and efficient development.

Chelsea Property Graphic

Case study

More Details


Purchased a prime property in Chelsea for £1.1 million.


Secured planning permission within two months.


Added a loft and basement, doubling the square footage. Total cost of works: approximately £400,000.


Sold the property within 12 months for £2.25 million.

By diversifying into real estate, we add another layer of risk mitigation to our investment strategy. The consistent revenue streams from property rental, be it through Airbnb or student accommodations, further fortify our portfolio. This multi-pronged approach to real estate enables us to enjoy stable returns while minimizing risk, thereby enhancing the robustness of our overall fund.